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The LIVE Wallet enables users to store and trade multiple assets from a mobile device or desktop as well as to transfer and exchange digital assets to fiat currencies and traditional assets without the need for multiple logins and 2FA verifications every time the user decides to execute a trade. All of your needs will be fulfilled by a single log-in and 2FA verification. This gives users complete control over their funds on each individual exchange through one central interface, thus increasing security of the users’ funds.

The LIVE wallet is designed to better connect users with their finances with a greater emphasis on monitoring and simple payment transactions and asset management while the trading application is a mobile, web and desktop application focused on the trading aspect.

In the future, the application will also provide easy access to collateral credit and be capable of making a payment with the use of the LiveTrade debit card or the NFC features of their smartphones. A user could use any asset supported by the exchange as a payment or collateral source. For instance, users will be able to pay their bill with their Apple stocks, Bitcoin, US Dollars, digital assets, or any collateral credit.


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