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DIPO Service






DIPO stands for Digital Initial Private Offerings, a new fundraising method powered by LiveTrade. Instead of going through complicated rules and regulations required by SEC for an initial public offering (IPO) or shouldering heavy debts from banks and bearing high cash flow cost every month, SMBs may go for another accessible and flexible choice of funding resource. DIPO is an economical time-saving alternative for all SMBs to earn the funds needed for business expansion.

As an SMB applies to join LiveTrade platform for a DIPO, the procedure begins:

  • LiveTrade reviews the application and performs full underwriting;
  • LiveTrade create digital shares based on the value of the SMB and generate an equity offer so that investors can review and decide whether to purchase the shares;
  • Investors trade the purchased shares on LiveTrade exchange at anytime and anywhere.

LiveTrade will be the bridge between SMBs and investors by providing underwriting service for SMB clients and, at the same time, an exchange for investors to trade those shares.


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