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LTD Migration Instruction

LTD Migration Instruction

As previously announced, LTD token will be migrated to a new contract. Users who have filled in the form and confirmed the information will be whitelisted for migration.

A. For Binance Smart Chain-based users

You can migrate to LTD v2 directly on LiveTrade DApp based on the information provided in LiveTrade’s official emails. Below are the steps to follow to get your LTD v2.

1.  Make sure you have the access to the wallet address designated in LiveTrade’s email.

2.  Access LiveTrade DApp’s Migration feature at

3.  Check your migratable LTD amount here (see the picture below).

4.  Connect to the right wallet, Enable the contract and Migrate now.

You can choose Add to MetaMask to easily find the new LTD token in your wallet.

After the transaction has been conducted successfully, the migratable amount will return to 0.

B. For KardiaChain-based users

KardiaChain-based LTD holders will receive LTD v2 directly to the BEP-20 wallet with the same address as their KardiaChain wallet’s.

1.  Follow the quick guide here to import your KardiaChain wallet to Binance Smart Chain.

2.  Add the LTD v2 smart contract as announced here to your wallet.

3.  Wait for the tokens to be transferred to your wallet, which is no later than 08:30 PM February 25, 2022.


1.  Users who have filled in the form and confirm the information will be whitelisted. If you find the migratable amount at 0 when first accessing the feature, your wallet is not on the whitelist. Please double check you have connected the correct wallet as indicated in the instruction email.

2.  For holders (both on Binance Smart Chain and KardiaChain) who have not filled in the form, please follow the instruction here. The technical team will aid you to migrate to the new token. Please be informed that all forms submitted after January 31, 2022, will be in the queue for processing as the priority migration phase has ended.

3.  In case of any issues during the migration process, please contact us at [email protected] for support.


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