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Notice: Close of LTD Migration Form

Notice: Close of LTD Migration Form

Dear LiveTraders,

All LTD holders need to fill in this form for LTD v2 migration. The form will be open for submission until 5 PM (UTC+7) March 3, 2022. As stressed in several previous notices, users are instructed to unstake and remove liquidity. Therefore, all transactions performed later than 7 days after our official statement on January 03, 2022 will be void and not eligible for migration. LiveTrade shall take no responsibility for any issue arising after the noted time.

This is our action to move on and shift the focus towards product and service development. Upcoming features will be centered around Binance Smart Chain in order to complete the ecosystem before expanding to other blockchain platforms. 

LiveTrade highly appreciates all users and partners who support us through this difficult time. We also commit that we will try our best to provide more benefits to our community.

Best regards,

The LiveTrade Team


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